The Supreme Court had announced his judgement on the case of final year examinations. The judgement was given a bench headed by Justice Ashok Bhushan, Ramayyagari Subhash Reddy, Mukesh Shah. The supreme court said that students cannot be promoted without giving the final year examinations and also UGC (University Grants Commission) said that "There will be no degree without exams". The states must take the exams for promoting the students. States under the Disaster Management Act like Bihar and many more states can apply to UGC to postpone the exam or scheduled another date for the exam but they don't have the authority to cancel the exams.
In this pandemic situation, it's almost impossible to maintain the social distancing among the students. The students have to travel to give the exams in the examination center. A few weeks back in USA schools were reopened and because of these faults 3 lakhs students get affected of COVID-19. If a student gets COVID-19 positive (+) in the examination center, then what happen next? , no authority will answer that question.In this picture you can clearly see the social distancing of the Karnataka CET exam.
On 6 July, UGC had announced that universities and affiliated colleges have to conduct a final semester exam by the end of the September month. The exams will conduct in online and offline. The states cannot cancel the exams. It will impact the standards of higher education in the country said by UGC officials. The UGC had told the supreme court through an affidavit that the Delhi, Maharashtra and many more states' decisions should be cancelled. Delhi and other states had already told the supreme court that they had cancelled the examinations.
One of the petitions that given by the students and said that exams should be cancelled the examinations and the result should be calculated on the basis of the internal assessment or their past performance. The students had challenged the UGC, but the supreme court given the decision favors of UGC.
The secretary of the Ministry of Human Resources Development , Amit Khare said that, "Yes, there are some universities completely in containment zones who may not be able to conduct the exams by September 30. They can consult the UGC for the same so that a new schedule as per their convenience can be worked out. However, the exams have to conduct."
Prakash Javadekar also said that, "I welcome the Hon'ble Supreme Court's verdict in favour of conduct of final year exams. This will help students to qualify for further admissions on merit. Now, I hope, unnecessary controversy will be over."
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